To add a new user in Compligo using the updated Personnel File Experience:
1. Navigate to the Personnel tab, located at the top of the screen on any page in Compligo.
2. Once on the Personnel tab, click the "Add New User" button at the top-right of the page. If you do not see this button, you are not in a group with permissions to add a new user. Contact your Compligo Administrator for these permissions.
3. On the Add User screen, fill in all of the appropriate User details. All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk. While the other fields are not required to generate a user record, it is recommended that you record as many employee details as possible, in case you need to reference them in the future.
4. You will need to generate a unique user name for each user in the system. The most common Usernames are company email addresses, since these are necessarily unique, or Employee Numbers, provided this is a unique value across your organization. Whatever convention you use, we recommend you stick to that format for all users, to limit confusion.
5. You will also need to select a temporary password for every user you create, and then type that password again in the field below, to verify there were no typos. We recommend using the same temporary password for each user, to eliminate confusion.
6. Once you have filled in all of the required fields, as denoted with red asterisks, and any additional fields you wish to record, you can just click the Add User button in the top right of the screen, and your user will be created! The system will begin distributing assigned activities to this user shortly after creation.
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