To edit a Personnel File
- Click on the Personnel tab.
- To find the desired employee, Search or Sort the listing of employees on the Personnel page.
- To Search:
- Enter either First and/or Last Name, Employee Number or Location.
- Select the Statuses to include in the results.
- Click on Submit.
- To Sort:
- Click on the column title to sort.
- An up or down arrow will appear indicating the sort order.
- To reverse the order, click on the column title again.
- Click on the Name of the employee.
- On the Personnel File Details page, click on Edit.
- Click on Submit to apply changes.
Personnel File Page Details
The Edit Personnel File page has three columns of information (ordered left to right):
- Edit Personal Details includes employee personal details, such as home address, SSN, date of birth, driver's license numbers, personal email, and home and personal cell phone numbers.
- Edit System User Details includes the Login or User ID, password reset fields, user role, and lock/unlock settings.
- Edit Corporate Details includes employee details related to their employment at the company. It includes Hire Date, Job Title, Supervisor, Work Email, Location, and Employee Type (employee, contractor, vendor, etc.), Employee Class (full-time, part time, etc) and Status (active, terminated, retired, leave, etc).
Please review the article Add a User for more details on all the fields on the Edit Personnel File page.
Common Tasks on the Edit a Personnel File page
Common tasks performed on this page are:
- Reset a password
- Unlock an account
- Add or update an email address
- Update personal details like home address, SSN, or phone numbers
- Change an employee's status to Terminated, on Leave, or another choice
- Change an employee's location, job title, or classification
- Change an employee's supervisor
- Reassign a supervisor's direct reports
- To reset a user's password:
- Under the Edit System User Details section (middle column), enter a new password and enter it again to confirm.
- Click on Submit.
Related Articles
- How to reset a password
- How to login including resetting forgotten passwords.
- To unlock a user's account:
- Under the Edit System User Details section (middle column) change the lock status from Locked to Unlocked.
- Click on Submit.
Terminated employees are set to Locked by default. It is possible to unlock a Terminated employee.
- To Add or Update a user's email address:
- Under Edit Corporate Details section (right column) update the Work Email field towards the bottom of the page.
- Click on Submit.
Work email is used for all email communications from Compligo. Personal email that appears under Edit Personal Details (left column) is for reference only.
- To Update a user's home address, SSN, or phone numbers:
- Under Edit Personal Details (left column) update the details needed.
- Click on Submit.
- To Change an employee's status to Terminated, on Leave, or another choice:
- Under the Edit Corporate Details section (right column) click on the Edit Status link to open the Status Change dialog.
- Select the new Status. Selecting a status can add or remove details to complete on the form.
- Once the form is complete, click on Save.
- To change a status to Terminated:
- Select the Termination Reason from the drop down.
- Select the Termination Date. This is the date the employee was terminated.
- If the employee did not reisign, check the Involuntary Termination.
- If the employee should not be rehired, check Do Not Rehire.
- Enter the details of the termination.
Once you terminate an employee, their account is locked and they no longer can log into Compligo.
- To change an employee's location, job title, or classification:
- Under the Edit Corporate Details section (right column) select the new location, job title, or classification from the list.
- Click on Submit.
Locations and job titles lists are fixed choices. If there's an option missing, contact your Administrator to resolve.
Administrators, please review the related articles Locations admin navigation including adding and editing locations. Other related articles for Administrators include Jobs admin navigation including adding and editing jobs.
- To Change an employee's supervisor:
- Under the Edit Corporate Details section (right column) click in the Supervisor field.
- Type the Name of the new supervisor. A list of suggested matching employees names will appear below.
- Select the employee from the suggested list.
- Click on Submit.
- To Reassign a supervisor's direct reports:
- Under the Edit Corporate Details section (right column) click on the Reassign supervisees link.
- When the Reassign dialog opens, select the new supervisor to whom these employees report directly.
- Click on Save.
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