CompliView: Clicking Save Draft before end of video restarts the video from beginning: When a user clicks the save draft button prior to completing the training video the training restarts from the very beginning of the video regardless of where the user was at in the training. The save draft button has been removed to prevent this behavior from occurring.
Scheduled forms that route to "Created By" route to nowhere When a form is created by the system (e.g. it is scheduled or distributed via Activity Manifest), and a stage on a form routed to Creator the form is not being distributed to anyone. A change has been made so that when a stage is routed to creator but the system is the creator, it will auto route to the subject allowing that user to receive the form.
Links embedded within library items do not work when viewed using the print service: When a library item has an embedded link to an attached file, the user is unable to successfully click the link when viewing using the print service. This issue has been corrected and users can now click on the embedded link and taken to the correct URL.
Routing Log and Field Values log do not show timestamps in the same timezone or daylight savings time: These views (timestamps) now match and include the timezone that is set for your site.
Supervisory level routing causes timeout and loop if supervisor is self: When a user is set to be her own supervisor, the routing of activities gets stuck in a circular reference causing the activity to not be distributed. Fixed this by allowing the initial rule to fail and having the routing engine default to the next rule in the chain so it can be processed and distributed correctly. If all rules fail then the activity is routed to the General Failure queue.
Activity is showing a cached routing and field history log from another activity on mats page: Fixed caching issue so proper data is displayed when viewing activities that are linked to via the reports.
Forced Distribution Completed email does not include URL: Added site URL to the Forced Distribution Completed email.
Hire Date and other fields are missing from PF snapshot: Personnel File fields that are pulled into a form are snapshotted when each stage of a form that displays them is completed to ensure that the data is maintained as it was when the form was viewed. We added the Hire Data and all other personnel file fields to this service to ensure that they all consistently display the data as it was when the form was completed instead of the data as it is each time the form is viewed at a later point in time.
Some forms do not render in print: Some users saw a “Something went wrong” error when trying to print forms. This particular issue has been corrected.
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