Issues Addressed:
- Groups Not Automatically Calculating: When making a change to a Dynamic Group’s count, the column number was not updating. This has been resolved so the column number of a Dynamic Group’s count is updated in real time.
- Time/Date Selector on Forms Not Submitting: For Customer Incident and Employee Incident forms, the Time/Date Selector was not updating properly. This has been resolved so the Time/Date Selector properly updates.
- Print View Issue – Illinois Form 45: When reviewing the Illinois Form 45 in Print View, some of the data was not matching properly. This has been resolved so that the data in the form matches the data when viewing in Print View.
- Print View Issue – Status/Payroll Change Form: When viewing the Status/Payroll Change Form in Print View, the form’s subject was not properly updating. This has been resolved so the subject of the form is properly showing when viewing the Status/Payroll Change Form in Print View.
- Loading Message Does Not Disappear: When attempting to filter a Personnel List by Location, the Loading Message would appear but not disappear. This has since been resolved so the Loading Message disappears shortly after the filtered search is run.
- This also affects a few other pages on the site. Included are the Add Employee Page (within the Personnel Tab), when Editing a Supervisor for an Employee (within the Personnel Tab), and when searching an employee name in the Employee Separation/Termination report (within the Reports Tab).
- W4 Forms Update: Additional fields were added to W4 forms to stay in compliance with the 2020 Federal law.
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