Dealerships in California - known as one of the most highly-regulated and litigious states in the nation -- have many unique regulatory and legal concerns. This set of policies, guidelines and assessments helps those dealerships navigate the tricky waters of sales desking compliance in the State of California
Implementation Steps in this Guide
Edit and Distribute the Desking and Fair Lending Policy - Federal Template Policy
Edit and Distribute the Desking Policy (Sales Managers) Policy
Edit and Distribute the Proper Desking Practices - California Policy
Edit and Distribute the Customer Identification Policy (Non-red Flags) Policy
Edit and Assign the Customer Identification Requirements (Non-Red Flags) Guideline
Edit and Distribute the Dealership Sales and Finance Signage Policy
Edit and Distribute the Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge Policy
Edit and Assign Guideline for Charging the Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge
Edit and Distribute the LAW 553-CA-ARB Completion Policy (Finance Personnel) Policy
Review and Assign the Proper Completion of the 553-CA Guideline
Review and Assign the Proper Completion of the 553 Retail Install Sales Contract Document
Review and Assign the Retail Installment Sale Contract Document
Distribute the 553 Retail Installment Sales Contract (RISC) Assessment
Edit and Distribute the License Fee Refunding Policy (For Registration Personnel)
Edit and Distribute the Out-of-State Deliveries Policy (Sales Personnel) Policy
Edit and Distribute the Reports of Sale for Sales and Finance Personnel Policy
Edit and Assign the Used Vehicle History Disclosure Document
Edit and Assign the Required Labels for Vehicle Sales Guideline
Edit and Distribute the Vehicle Registration Printout Policy
Edit and Assign the Vehicle Registration Printout (KSR) Liability (KSR User) Guideline
Edit and Assign the Vehicle Registration Printout (KSR) Liability (KSR Administrator) Guideline
Edit and Distribute the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Policy
Edit and Assign the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Guideline
Distribute the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Assessment
Edit and Distribute the Credit Application - California Policy
Edit and Assign the Best Credit Application Practices Guideline
Edit and Assign the Standard Rate Exception Report Form (Sample) Document
- Edit and Distribute the License Fee Policy
Edit and Distribute the Driver's License Requirements Guideline
Edit and Distribute the Desking and Fair Lending Policy - Federal Template Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Desking and Fair Lending Policy - Federal Template Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Desking and Fair Lending Policy - Federal Template Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a credit transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Desking Policy (Sales Managers) Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Desking Policy (Sales Managers) Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Desking Policy (Sales Managers) Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as General Managers and Sales Managers.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Proper Desking Practices - California Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Proper Desking Practices - California Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Proper Desking Practices - California Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Proper Desking Practices Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Proper Desking Practices Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Distribute the Proper Desking Practices Assessment
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Proper Desking Practices Assessment
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Customer Identification Policy (Non-red Flags) Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Edit and Distribute the Customer Identification Policy (Non-red Flags) Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Customer Identification Policy (Non-red Flags) Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Customer Identification Requirements (Non-Red Flags) Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Customer Identification Requirements (Non-Red Flags) Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Dealer Plate Usage Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Dealer Plate Usage Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Dealer Plate Usage Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Use of Dealer Plates Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Use of Dealer Plates Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Dealership Sales and Finance Signage Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Dealership Sales and Finance Signage Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Dealership Sales and Finance Signage Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as Executive Management, General Managers, Managers, Sales Department and Finance Department
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Signage for Vehicle Sales Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Signage for Vehicle Sales Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign Guideline for Charging the Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Guideline for Charging the Electronic Vehicle Registration or Transfer Charge" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the LAW 553-CA-ARB Completion Policy (Finance Personnel) Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "LAW 553-CA-ARB Completion Policy (Finance Personnel) Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the LAW 553-CA-ARB Completion Policy (Finance Personnel) Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as Executive Management, General Managers, Sales Managers and Finance Department.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Review and Assign the Proper Completion of the 553-CA Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Proper Completion of the 553-CA Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Review and Assign the Proper Completion of the 553 Retail Install Sales Contract Document
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Proper Completion of the 553 Retail Install Sales Contract Document" and click on it
- Click on the filename to download and review it
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Review and Assign the Retail Installment Sale Contract Document
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Retail Installment Sale Contract Document" and click on it
- Click on the filename to download and review it
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Distribute the 553 Retail Installment Sales Contract (RISC) Assessment
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the 553 Retail Installment Sales Contract (RISC) Assessment
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the License Fee Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "License Fee Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the License Fee Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as Executive Management, General Managers, Sales Manager, Finance Department and DMV Desk Personnel
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the License Fee Refunding Policy (For Registration Personnel)
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "License Fee Refunding Policy (For Registration Personnel)" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the License Fee Refunding Policy (For Registration Personnel)
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as registration personnel.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the License Fee Refunding Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "License Fee Refunding Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Out-of-State Deliveries Policy (Sales Personnel) Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Out-of-State Deliveries Policy (Sales Personnel) Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Out-of-State Deliveries Policy (Sales Personnel) Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as the Sales Department.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Out-of-State Deliveries Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Out-of-State Deliveries Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Reports of Sale for Sales and Finance Personnel Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Reports of Sale for Sales and Finance Personnel Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Reports of Sale for Sales and Finance Personnel Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Use of Reports of Sale Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Use of Reports of Sale Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Distribute the Use of Reports of Sale Assessment
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Use of Reports of Sale Assessment
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Repossession Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Repossession Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Repossession Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Repossession Guidelines Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Repossession Guidelines Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Salesperson Licensing Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Salesperson Licensing Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Salesperson Licensing Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as General Managers, Sales Managers and Salespeople.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Salesperson Licensing Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Salesperson Licensing Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Vehicle History Disclosure Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle History Disclosure Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Vehicle History Disclosure Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Vehicle History Disclosure Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle History Disclosure Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Assign the Used Vehicle History Disclosure Document
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Used Vehicle History Disclosure Document" and click on it
- Click on the filename to download and review it
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this document within the library
- Click Submit to save
Distribute the Vehicle History Disclosure Assessment
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Distribute the Vehicle History Disclosure Assessment
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Vehicle Labeling Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle Labeling Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Vehicle Labeling Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as Executive Management, General Managers, Sales Managers, Inventory Managers, PDI, Salespeople and anyone who is responsible for affixing Guides and Labels to vehicles.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Required Labels for Vehicle Sales Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Required Labels for Vehicle Sales Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this guideline within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Vehicle Registration Printout Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle Registration Printout Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Vehicle Registration Printout Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as Executive Management, General Manager, Sales Managers, Salespeople, Sales Clerical, KSR Administrators and any users accessing DMV information.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Vehicle Registration Printout (KSR) Liability (KSR User) Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle Registration Printout (KSR) Liability (KSR User) Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this guideline within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Assign the Vehicle Registration Printout (KSR) Liability (KSR Administrator) Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle Registration Printout (KSR) Liability (KSR Administrator) Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this guideline within the library
- Click Submit to save
Edit and Distribute the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as Executive Management, General Manager and Registration Personnel.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this guideline within the library
- Click Submit to save
Distribute the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Assessment
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Vehicle Registration Time Restrictions Assessment
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Credit Application - California Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Credit Application - California Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Credit Application - California Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a credit transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Best Credit Application Practices Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Best Credit Application Practices Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this guideline within the library
- Click Submit to save
Distribute the Best Credit Application Practices Assessment
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Best Credit Application Practices Assessment
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Distribute the Driver's License Policy
Edit the policy
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Driver's License Policy" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the policy
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the policy
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this policy within the library
- Click Submit to save
Schedule the activity for distribution
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click on the Consumer Finance workspace
- Click on the Sales Desking - California initiative
- Click on the Driver's License Policy
- Click on Groups and assign to the appropriate groups, such as management, controller, sales, finance and insurance, and anyone who participates in a sales transaction.
- Click on Schedule and set an annual schedule based on the Hire Date. We recommend that you set the Immediate Distribution option to Yes.
- Click Save
Edit and Assign the Driver's License Requirements Guideline
- Click on the Library tab
- Search for "Edit and Assign the Driver's License Requirements Guideline" and click on it
- Click on the Edit button to view the list of versions
- Click Create Draft to the right of the latest published version
- Click Edit next to the Draft version that you just created
- Make desired changes to the guideline
- Click Publish when you have finished editing the guideline
- Click on the Permissions subtab
- Add the appropriate group(s) of users who have permission to view this guideline within the library
- Click Submit to save
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