Issues Addressed
- Fixed a problem that was introduced in the prior release that caused the "Save Progress" to redirect back to the inbox. Clicking "Save Progress" while working on a form will now save and stay on the same page.
- Using IE11, we fixed the “Start a Form” box that was pushed down below the Inbox items on the Home Page
- Fixed the Complaint Tracker Reports that were showing months out of order
- Updated the Hyrell integration to ensure that the Role is set automatically when creating new users
- Added logic to give an error if invalid UTF-8 characters are provided within an import file
- Removed unnecessary third-level menus under the Reports tab
New Functionality
- Added Subject Name and Activity Template Title as the secondary and tertiary sort of fields within the Inbox. Note that the first sort remains based on the Activity Template Inbox Order value, so be sure to set that on your Activity Templates to finely control the order that forms appear within the inbox for your users.
- Disabled access to the Compli Only tab under Admin for all customer admins. Please call or email Support if you need access to this.
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