This document walks through the steps of setting up a new site for a Migration. Perform these steps in order for best results.
1. Create the Site
- Login to Controller
- Click on the Add Customer tab
- Type in the following:
- Company: The name of the company from the account name in Salesforce
- Key Contact: The full name of the customer's project lead
- Development: The subdomain that the customer will use to login to compligo. Usually this will be the same as their website domain name (e.g. for you would use kendallauto.)
- Click Save.
2. Clean the site
Delete all Binders from Controller
This will remove all Binders, Folders and Library Items from the site.
- Login to Controller
- Click on the name of the site
- Click on the Selections tab
- Click on the Binders tab
- Click the Select All checkbox to select all checkboxes
- Click delete at the bottom of the page
Delete all Workspaces from Controller
This will remove all Workspaces, Initiatives and Activity templates from the site.
- Login to Controller
- Click on the name of the site
- Click on the Selections tab
- Click on the Workspaces tab
- Click the Select All checkbox to select all checkboxes
- Click delete at the bottom of the page
3. Delete the Activity Templates
Deleting Activity Templates from controller only sets the delete flag, so we need to perform this extra step to clear them.
Export Activity Templates
- Click on the Admin tab
- Click on the Import / Export subtab
- Scroll down to the bottom to the Export section and select Activity Template Export
- Click Request File
- Click Download to download the file to your computer. The filename will end with "Activity Template Export.csv", preceded by some identifying information that is represented below with an asterisk.
Edit the CSV File columns
- Open *Activity Template Export.csv in excel
- Remove all columns except for AT ID in Column A and AT Title in Column B
- Save the file as *Activity Template Export-delete.csv
Use Import to delete the Activity Templates
- Click on the Admin tab
- Click on the Import / Export subtab
- Click +Add Files and then select *Activity Template Export-delete.csv
- Select the Import Template "Activity Templates - Delete by ID"
- Click preview to ensure that the ID is in column A and the Activity Template title is in column B
- Click Process to start the import
4. Set variables for default password and site URL
- Click on the Build tab
- Under the Data Store subtab, click on Variables
- click edit on the Base URL line
- update the base URL to the Base URL you have selected for this client on Controller (ex., instead of
- click edit on the Default Password line
- update the default password to your chosen default password
- click edit on the Base URL line
- Under the Data Store subtab, click on Variables
5. Edit the Imported User Account rule to set the default password for imports
- Click on the Build tab
- Click on the Rules Engine sub tab
- Search for Imported User
- Edit this rule
- Update Field 2 to your chose default password
- This will make the default log in password for new imported users the same as your default password for users newly generated in system
- Edit this rule
- Search for Imported User
- Click on the Rules Engine sub tab
- Click on the Admin tab
- Click on the Import/Export Sub tab
- Click "Add Files''
- Select the Locations.csv file provided from the C6 export you received from Mike Garrison
- Select the Migration - Locations.CSV File Type
- Import data
7. Import Location Read Permissions
- Create .csv file with Location ID, Read Permissions and Write Permissions columns
- List all Locations in Column A, Compli Support in column B and C.
- Use import template - "Locations - Group Permissions"
- If this does not work, change the field next to Base Object in column A of the Import File Type (Build-> Data Exchange -> Import File type-> Locations Group Permissions) to _Location ID
- This means that column A in your spreadsheet needs to match the Location ID found on the Admin-> Locations tab
- If this does not work, change the field next to Base Object in column A of the Import File Type (Build-> Data Exchange -> Import File type-> Locations Group Permissions) to _Location ID
- You can then do multiple imports OR on the same spreadsheet list the locations again, in the same order, in column A directly under the list above. Update fields B and C to Administrators. Do this again below and update administtrators to the specific location users and any other needed groups.
- You should then have a repeating list of the locations down column A, and blocks of groups down column B and C. Make sure not to give Edit permissions to location groups, only read permissions (column B)
9. Import your admins by cutting down USERS.CSV to just the few rows you need (they will receive email notification)
- Open the USERS.CSV file.
- Copy the First row (headings) into a new .csv file
- CTRL+F to find the names of your Admin users
- paste this information into the new .csv file.
- save this file as USERS - ADMIN.csv in dropbox
- Import newly created file using Migration - Users template
10. Confirm that there is an email for each user, and then enable email notifications to send welcome emails to admins.
- Find each admin user in the personnel tab and confirm that an email address exists for each user
- Click on the Build tab -> System subtab
- Click the "Email Communication" button to on
- this will send user email invites to join the system
- Click the "Email Communication" button to on
11. Add Admins to the Administrators group
- Click on the Admin tab, then the Groups Sub tab
- Select the Administrators group
- add all newly imported admin users to this group
- Select the Administrators group
12. Disable email notifications
- Navigate to the Build tab
- Click on the System sub tab
- Turn the email communication button to Off, and click save. This will make it so the users we import in the next step do not receive their invite emails until we are ready.
- Click on the System sub tab
13. Import USERS.CSV
- Admin-> Import/Export
- Add Files-> Select Users.csv that was exported by Mike Garrison
- Select Import File Type of Migration - USERS.CSV
14. Create users-supervisors.csv using two columns from users.csv: Employee GUID and Supervisor guid
- Copy Columns A and C from Users.csv document (User Record ID and Supervisor Record ID)
15. Import users-supervisors.csv using import template "Migration - Personnel - Update Supervisor by GUID"
16. Import Library
- Open the Library.csv file provided in the C6 export, and delete all rows to the right of HTMLFile (rows H-L). Save file as
- zip the Library.csv file provided in the C6 export with the ''Content'' folder.
- Import zipped file under admin -> Import/Export, using import file type Migration - Library Items -Library Body
17. Import Library
18. Import Library
19. Import Library
20. Create Library-Permissions.CSV with two columns: ContentID GUID and Group Name = Administrators
- use column A from library.csv file in column B just type Adminstrators and import this file using file type shown in next step
21. Import Library-Permissions.CSV using Migration - Library Items - Add Read Permission Group
- See above
22. Run Export "Library Items - Export" and then create an import with Binder ID, Admin Permission Group, Write Permission Group, Read Permission Group
- Use the Binder ID column of the Library Items -Export file, and add three new columns, Admin Permissions, Writer Permissions, and Read Permissions
23. Import
- Zip the Migrated Activities.csv file with the Instances folder
- Import using Migration - Migrated Activities ZIP File Type
24. Import
- Zip the Migrated Activities Attachments Folder with the Instances folder
- import using the Migration - Migrated Activities Attachments ZIP file type
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